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If you thought сooltechzone.com is a classical news portal then we need to perform better.

In CoolTechZone we strongly believe in the supremacy of objective information analysis and non-ambiguity over a hype and precarious declarations.

Whether it is an ethical hacking techniques to disclose critical vulnerabilities or Dark web threat intelligence probing, we plunge into the depths of our digital environment to reveal all treasures landed on the bottom of cyberspace.

Our editorial team is collection of international cybersecurity enthusiasts, researchers and practicing professionals who are studying most emerge topics and security calls to community to deliver you most relevant and unbiased results validated by our own expertise.

CoolTechZone is methodology- and product-agnostic resource meaning that we are adapting our approaches and choose best suitable instruments towards the main goal – deliver most complex intelligence as a coherent and effortless-digestible publications.

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Our dedicated team of security researchers and investigative journalists regularly delves into previously unexplored depths of online security and privacy in order to shed light on stories that often have an unseen influence on the online world at large. A number of our investigations and reports have been featured by industry-related publications and global news leaders alike.

Here are some of the highlights.